Keeping Your Artwork Safe

Anyone who has lived through a remodel will tell you, it can be a messy, disorganized,  and stressful time for any homeowner. Dust covers every surface; key areas of your home are uninhabitable and every day conveniences are simply unavailable.

One of the first tasks that need tackling before a remodel can  begin is packing everything up and taking extra care in securing your valuables and artwork.  Whether you have loose artwork (such as sculptures, glasswork,or other non-hanging pieces) or matted and framed prints or documents, it’s important to take steps to protect your collection.

There are important factors to consider depending on if you’re going to be storing your pieces for a short time or long-term.  Loose artwork can be kept in sealed drawers or cabinets, away from the remodeling and construction dust. Remember to keep acidic works separated, as the acids in paper can cause damage to other documents. Place acid-free tissue paper between your pieces for better protection.Framed artwork should be stored vertically and withseparators to divide each piece.

You should keep you most valuable pieces in a climate-controlled storage space and away from potentially destructive environmental elements such as mold, dust, insects, and humidity; it’s often not advised to store art in a basement or attic.Too much heat can bend or warp art, and temperatures that are too cold can make pieces brittle. You can also encase your artwork with supplies from any local art supply store, such as archival wraps and boxes.

Finally, make sure you are not storing your pieces somewhere that is not easily accessible – you want to be able to periodically check on your collection to make sure  they are damage-free.

By  properly storing your artwork during a remodel, you’ll not only be protecting the investment you’ve made in your collection, but you’ll also have   fresh artwork to  showcase  in your new space.

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